Thursday 29 November 2012

Production: Front Cover Editing

A strip diagonally across the bottom of the front cover isn't a common connotation of a music magazine, therefore to make it look more professional I moved the strip along the bottom, also leaving me enough room for more tag lines.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Production: Main Image Choice

I added the chosen typography to the main image and compared each one. I think the photo on the left is brighter and bolder, the models are superimposed over the masthead which is a common technique with magazine production to ensure the models stand out to the target audience.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Production: Possible Masthead Typography

I chose a range of different fonts which I thought related to the genre of my magazine. I used the 'Stroke' tool to outline each font with a colour so they stand out on the main image. I don't think a white outlining is extremely bold and the typography isn't very appealing. Through process of elimination my final masthead typography is presented underneath.

Friday 9 November 2012

Production: Photo Editing

   Cropping out unnecessary background objects to make the photo look more effective and  professional.
Use editing tools such as 'Retouch' to airbrush model to make them look more appealing to target audience.
There was originally a pole sticking out the top of one models head, this can be seen as a distraction from the actual photo, therefore retouching it dissolves this distraction.
Both these photographs are very similar however the one on the right can be seen as more effective due to the direct mode of address, eye contact is used by the models.
On photoshop the 'Magnetic Lasso Tool' helped to crop out any unnecessary background objects which prevent the photos looking unprofessional.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Planning: Artist Profile

My magazine 'Soundcheck' will feature a recently discovered British hip hop, R'n'B and soul male duo 'TL2' who are newcomers to the music scene. The band have recently been the support act for one of their most influential artist Plan B on his UK tour. They are highly talented and landed a record deal with Sony, the article will help promote their new single which has already begun to climb the UK official chart. Their feature on a double page spread will include an interview with TL2, the band will refer back to their hometown, their childhood friendship and how they made it to the music industry. As well as an interview the page will also include a range of interesting facts about either Taylor or Leigh. The purpose of the double page spread will be to entertain and inform readers because 'Soundcheck' want their target audience to admire the band and possible aspire to be like them.

Musical Influences: Labrinth, Plan B, Drake, Frank Ocean, Usher & Bruno Mars
Fashion: Topman, Fred Perry, Obey, Vans, Levi's & Urban Outfitters
Film: Stepbrothers, Forrest Gump, Inception, Shawshank Redemption & The Hangover

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Planning: Semantic Field

  • Fresh
  • Young
  • Mainstream
  • Current
  • Cool
  • Hip Hop
  • Chilled
  • Upbeat
  • Street
  • Fashionable
  • Common
  • Trendy